Ready to make a return/exchange? Go here.
If you purchased a product from our website store and wish to return it, you may file a request for a refund within 20 days after your order has shipped.
To be eligible to receive a full refund, the product must be returned to us in "new" condition (only worn once to try size) - unused, unaltered and containing all original items.
We do not refund any shipping charges related to the shipping option you requested at the time you placed your order. All Shipping Insurance purchases are also non-refundable.
You will be charged the cost of the return label (max $30). We don't charge a handling fee for the return of defective items.
Discounted items are final and cannot be returned or exchanged.
To return or exchange a product email us directly and provide your query in email body:
Name & address (incl. Zip code)
Your case query & reason for return/exchange
Order # number
How you wish to proceed? (E.g. refund if product is defected, or exchange for correct size)
Please bare with us, our team endeavours to respond to all email return queries as soon as we can!
Once we receive your return, allow 5-10 business days for the refund to be credited to your account. Your refund will be credited to the same card used to make the original purchase. We'll send you an email when our team has processed your refund/exchange so you know it's on the way!
​If you purchased a product from our website store and wish to exchange it, you may file a request for an exhange within 20 days after your order has shipped.
To be eligible to exhange (apparel product for a different size), the product must be returned to us in "new" condition (only worn once to try size) - unused, unaltered and containing all original items.
We will happily cover the cost of shipping for defective item returns and replacements. However, photo evidence of physical defects must be required to receive a replacement product or refund.